Sunday, September 28, 2008


Yesterday we went on the NUHOPE walk to help raise awareness for teen suicide... or make people aware that it is happening in UT. It was a great feeling to be at least trying to do something. My nephew Jeremy spoke at the opening ceremony and then we walked. They had people holding posters with warning signs on them. It really was a GREAT event.

Today I took some new pictures of my LITTLE doggie CC and her brother Jack. She is almost the same age Nanna the HUGE dog we have. Nanna is an AKBASH. Jack and CC are Miniature Pinschure/chihuahua mix. Nanna will max out at around 125 lbs... or could. She is a Turkish herding breed. Not AKC at all. But a great dog. Very gentle and loving. CC HATES her.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Today Sept 25,2008

Today I made this Blog. I hate the word Blog. What is that anyway? Blabbering Log? Blubbering Log? Blithering Idiots Labored Blab? I dont like the word. But since that is what someone called it and I am participating in it I will go there. Here I am - making a blog on my families goings on. "FOOTLOOSE"is finally over!!!! I am here to say there is absolute proof there is a supreme being ruling the universe! I know it now as I never did before! Holy Cow! There was never a more practiced play in the history of musicals in the world. It was all worth it to see Katie in the Prom scene at the end but I must say GOOD GRIEF CHARLIE BROWN!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGG! It was good and good to have done. That is all I will say. She had fun and wants to do more but we will not tell her dad that now. Oops I think I just did.

Cameron is getting ready for play offs for LaCrosse Fall Ball. If he lives that long. We are having fun watching him fight off the women. Homecoming is a week away and woah- - girls girls girls. To hear him talk he is the only available batchelor in the school. jk

Aaron is looking for a new job. He hates his one at the meat dept now. The guy he works for is giving him fits. He works a ton and cant have any weekend nights off. Poor kid! He knew the job was dangerous when He took it I guess. He is looking forward to starting college. His hair is getting so long now that we are thinking about changing the spelling of his name to Erin! lol

Karli is living on her own in an apt on 21st st. She likes it but is a little lonely I think. She has started to make excuses to come to my house to not be alone. WEIRD for her I know.

Grandkids are the reason to allow teenagers to live... Mothers remember that. I tell myself that daily. I have so much fun everytime I get to see one of the grandkids that I am so glad I allowed Brandon and Jason to continue on in this life. Even Kimberly and Carrie served thier purposes now! NATHAN may have a reason to live someday!

That is probably enough for now. I sound like a babbling idiot! Have a nice day!