Sunday, November 16, 2008

War of the WORDS

Well, I took Bruce to the Airport this morning. He was supposed to get to see a Shuttle launch but if you have seen the news it went up FRIDAY... alas, his luck has not changed. AND he will come home before it lands!! Oh well, maybe next time. My brother is out of the hospital. I think he is doing better. My mother in law is having a lump removed on Dec 1st. Kids are busy busy busy. Katie is really liking this National Academic League thing she is in. She participates in the presentation team. The have a "Theme" and get points for how well they present their portion of the "program'. It is very informative and interesting. Well, Not for young children - it is very boring but it is interesting if you like facts and figures. lol She got into a 'war of words" with some kid on the net. He was making fun of the NAL kids and she told him off in words I dont even know... It was AWESOME!!! She loved it. She does hula, Karate and can kick butt with her words. All in all it was a successfull week for Kate!


Terry's said...

I love the picture of the want to be "lion"!!!

Shalee said...

What a bummer!! Sorry he missed the launch..

Hopefully next time.

Becky Lewis said...

I went private on my blog but want to invite you. My email is
I will send you an invite.